Business Model Innovation for further optimization
Knowledge Center Business Process Modeling

BPM | Business Model Innovatie

BPM and Business Model Innovation

Business Model Innovation is an indispensable trajectory within the current digital revolution. The digital revolution has consequences for the business model of every company. Discover the possibilities of digitization in time to innovate your business model and stay ahead of the competition!


Scheer's Business Consultants can help you determine the potential of digitization from an innovation perspective from a customer, supplier or internal organization.

Business Model Innovation

Many organizations struggle with the question of how to strengthen the revenue model and thereby make optimal use of digitization. Especially the questions

  • what to invest in?
  • which technology to choose?
  • which risks avoiding?

are hard to answer. Scheer Nederland helps you make choices and make your business model innovation tangible.

  • Scheer Nederland follows trends, such as Cloud, Big Data, the Internet of Things, the Omni Channel and mobile solutions. Depending on your earnings model and the challenges within your industry, your strategic focus and the deployment of these trends are examined.
  • After this, based on your core competencies and the digital potential, the opportunities for improvement and risks are mapped
    The end result is a transformation plan of the intended projects with an implementation roadmap. This transformation plan also contains a detailed business case.

    Specific to our approach to Business Model Innovation is that we identify innovations in the entire value chain from supplier to customer and relate these innovations to the strategic objectives.

    Our Business Model Innovation approach in short:
    • Structure for innovating the business model
    • Digitization is made tangible
    • Concrete improvements and risks