Five reasons for Automated Testing
Knowledge Center SAP S/4HANA Cloud

Automated Testing: Five reasons to use it!

Five reasons for Automated Testing

The obvious answer is that testing is not the most fun thing. But there are more important reasons to automate your tests.

It is much faster

You can start up multiple processes at once. Depending on the number of test-process cycles, this can save several days.

The qualification for test resources is much easier as the automation tool is doing the job. It's easier to find resources to support the test process and your key users can continuously engage in their daily work without being disturbed by testing activities.

It allows you to innovate faster

Because testing is faster, it is easier to validate and adopt new innovations on top of current functionality,

You can test more accurately

There are two critical reasons why automated testing is more accurate than manual testing.

Firstly, because automated testing takes you less time, you can increase your test coverage. You can expand from testing perhaps only the critical processes to testing slightly less critical processes and multiple scenarios.

Secondly, automated testing processes are always a consistent pathway. The script executes the same steps, in the same way, today as it will tomorrow. Far more consistent than a human can do.

Test Automation includes documentation

Manual testing requires manual registration of the result. Test documentation involves time, but registration accuracy is highly dependent on the tester. Test automation mechanism registers all activities directly and automatically, including screenshots of all inputs and results. This documentation creates a clear insight into what exactly happened during testing.

You can analyze your test results instantly

The automatic registration makes it possible to project all results per process, per release version per line of business in a dashboard. It's not required to manually collect the test outcome and process it in Excel sheets or BI tools.