Twilmij - Customer Story SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud - Manufacturing
DSM Twilmij standardize with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

DSM Twilmij: standardizing IT environment with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Explore DSM Twilmij story with SAP

Explore DSM Twilmij’s journey with SAP

DSM Twilmij B.V., part of dsm-firmenich, produces and supplies premixes for animal feed to compound feed companies.

The complex production and delivery of its products required DSM Twilmij to standardize its IT environment to meet dsm-firmenich standards and integrate with its existing SAP software infrastructure.

Meeting company-wide standards with a robust IT solution

The production and delivery of animal feed premixes is a complex puzzle involving 20 to 60 different raw materials. 

The exact composition not only changes per season, but it’s also tailored to the customer. DSM Twilmij also strives to deliver within a maximum of five days. This allows compound feed companies to keep their stocks and, therefore, their required operational costs and storage capacity low. In this way, DSM Twilmij is an important strategic partner for the compound feed industry.

Making this complex production and delivery process manageable requires a robust IT environment – one that streamlines end-to-end processes and simplifies complicated costing. In addition, the new environment had to be able to integrate with the SAP Central Finance Master Data Replication application by insightsoftware for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, which DSM Twilmij implemented in parallel with this IT standardization initiative.

More and more animal feed manufacturers are involving DSM Twilmij in the production of their unique recipes. Thanks to accurate coordination with best practices and a successful implementation, SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition has helped us guarantee reliability and future-proof our IT systems so we can support growth.” 
Christian Veldkamp - Manager Control Animal Nutrition and Health, dsm-firmenich

Building a central brain for operational excellence

DSM Twilmij opted for standardization in the cloud, with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition as the brains of the new IT environment. Production orders from SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition are sent to the manufacturing execution systems (MESs), which control physical production. SAP Integration Suite functions as the comprehensive integration platform and provides real-time communication between these environments.

During the implementation by SAP partner Scheer Nederland BV, the parties aimed for a robust and standardized IT environment and accurate coordination with best practices within the sector.

 Scheer Nederland also paid attention to the unique needs of DSM Twilmij. In some cases, specific requirements couldn’t be fully met within the standard SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition software environment. 

Alongside partner Scheer Nederland, the company leveraged SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) and the SAP Event Mesh capability to develop an event- based, side-by-side extension. This allowed DSM Twilmij to keep the core of the system “clean” while meeting the need for real-time data and processes.

“The old custom system did not yet meet DSM Twilmij standards. This new system had to fit well with the DSM-wide SAP software environment. This implementation served as a kind of template for other DSM Twilmij premix locations.”  

Christian Veldkamp - Manager Control Animal Nutrition and Health, dsm-firmenich

Change management was crucial to the success of this project. We continuously collected feedback from employees through iterative workshops.” 
Ferry Bogaards - Managing Partner, Scheer Nederland BV

Improving efficiency with real-time production and delivery data

DSM Twilmij needs to produce and supply seasonal and highly customer-specific premixes for animal feed on a large scale and within strict deadlines. The successful deployment of SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition helped meet these requirements.

For example, the new real-time link between systems allows MESs to send information about the production process back to SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition, such as the ingredients used. As a result, DSM Twilmij has the required insight into costs and current stock statuses based on actual production activities.

With SAP Event Mesh, the company can also quickly respond to changes and identify further efficiency improvements.

The switch from a customized system to a standardized SAP software environment had a major impact on its IT infrastructure. Through user acceptance testing and workshops, Scheer Nederland prepared employees for new working methods ahead of time, which made for a smoother transition.

“A project like this is always ‘in development.’ We regularly add new functionalities by leveraging SAP BTP. This allows us to easily change with business wishes while keeping the standardized core as clean as possible. With this design, DSM Twilmij is ready for the future.”

 Ferry Bogaards - Managing Partner, Scheer Nederland BV

Future-proof solution for announced carve-out

With the announced carve-out and separation of dsm-firmenich’s Animal Nutrition & Health business, which DSM Twilmij belongs to, the solution architecture also provides a future-proof setup of operations. Given the simplified two-tier ERP landscape leveraging SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition, independent operations from the corporate headquarters running the core business also help ensure a smooth transition to a separate business from an IT perspective.

  SAP - Customer Story DSM Twilmij

OpenSAP Podcast - Dutch spoken!


Challenges and opportunities: 

  • Meet dsm-firmenich company-wide technology and operations standards 
  • Manage a complex animal feed business involving 20 to 60 different raw materials
  • Deliver products to customers within five days without the robust IT environment needed to streamline end-to-end processes

Why SAP & Scheer?

Why SAP? 

  • SAP software environment at dsm-firmenich, making SAP the natural choice for DSM Twilmij B.V.
  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition to standardize the IT environment and provide insights into costs and current stock statuses based on actual production activities
  • SAP Integration Suite to provide real-time data, processes, and communication between systems
  • SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) and the SAP Event Mesh capability to develop an event-based, side-by-side extension

Why Scheer

  • Scheer Nederland BV for its SAP implementation expertise for production-oriented companies
  • Since 2017, the company has leveraged SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition to help administrative, production, and service-oriented companies.
  • Scheer Nederland believes that minimal maintenance and maximum user experience is the best scenario for enabling innovation.


Value-driven results:

  • Ability to add new functionalities using applications on SAP BTP while keeping the standardized core as clean as possible 
  • Future-proofed operations with a simplified two-tier ERP landscape leveraging SAP S/4HANA Public Edition, allowing dsm-firmenich to carve out and separate its Animal Nutrition and Health business

Thanks to accurate coordination with best practices and a successful implementation, SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition has helped us guarantee reliability and future-proof our IT systems so we can support growth.” 
Christian Veldkamp, Manager Control Animal Nutrition and Health, dsm-firmenich

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